Categories: News

Real people, real fitness.

Welcome to the brand-new iGym blog! I look forward to seeing you here each fortnight for insightful interviews, fitness and nutrition tips, and the latest news from around the gym.

To kick things off, I spoke with iGym CEO Kyle Minett to get us up to speed on iGym: what it is, why it works and what is coming up.

Real People, Real Fitness

A catchy slogan, but what does it mean?

According to Kyle, it’s all about helping individuals reach their health and fitness goals. “Real people are the everyday Australians: the mums and dads, grandparents and young people. Anyone who wants to boost their self-esteem, improve their health or maintain their fitness,” he says. “iGym is for everyone from beginners to professional athletes, whether you are looking for support, instruction or just a great fitness community.”

Kyle explains that “real fitness” is all about your personal goals and what they mean to you. “[Real fitness] represents the unique goals and ideals that we all have: it’s maintaining a healthy lifestyle; losing those extra kilos that came along with the stress of life; improving health outcomes and managing chronic illness; being less injury prone and improving longevity; it’s community.”

“In a nutshell,” he says, “real fitness is whatever is important to you. And what’s important to you is important to us.”

Sounds almost too good to be true but there are too many member testimonials to dispute it, so it must be working.

Where did it start?

iGym was born 10 years ago in a small shopfront in Kurri Kurri (really small – the size of one group fitness room kind of small). Kyle says their goal was to help people achieve their fitness goals and provide an inclusive community of like-minded individuals. With these goals in mind and the expertise of General Manager, Tracey Burgess, iGym began including free group fitness classes with every iGym membership. “To this day, included group fitness is still a core part of our business model and something that our members find enormous value in,” Kyle says.

iGym has grown exponentially over the last 10 years and now boasts seven Aussie owned facilities, all promoting the same core values. Consistency, apparently, really is the key.

What’s next?

As you may have seen, iGym recently returned to the scene of the crime – where it all began – to open a brand new, state of the art facility in Kurri Kurri. Taree is reported to be next on the list for a shiny new gym (the term “world-class” was used!). Watch this space, more updates to come.

Speaking of updates, Kyle alluded to some mysterious technological advancements coming to iGym. “We have been making strides with software led processes that eliminate paper while improving the user experience of our members, powering our facilities with solar energy, and investing in research and development that will revolutionise the fitness industry in coming years.”

While I couldn’t squeeze any more information about the upcoming revolution out of Kyle, I was promised he would keep us in the loop as things are rolled out. I suppose that will have to do… for now.


Come back next fortnight where I will delve more into what this “real fitness” is all about, and how it can work for you this winter.

Lillie. M.

Published by
Lillie. M.